Social responsibility is an ethical or ideological theory that an entity, whether it is a government, corporation, organization or individual has a responsibility to society at large. Hari ng Negros strongly supports this concept and believes that even after all the pomp and pageantry of the competition there must always be purpose .

In coordination with the GILAS (Gearing up Internet Literacy and Access for Students) program of the Ayala Foundation, Canlaon City public high school students for the first time were able to access the internet in their school.

The Hari and Princes of Negros sharing with the students the importance of education and the power the internet can bring to their lives.

Joshua Imperial (Prince of Victorias 2009)and Mark Gargoles (Crown Prince of Negros 2009) show to the students that their is more to the internet than just, Facebook, Friendster and Youtube.

With the Canlaon City District Hospital and some officials, we were able to assist in a local medical mission in very remote areas.

Jayar Gandola (Prince of Dumaguete 2009) with his new-found family.

After practically picking up and holding all the babies, its about time someone picks Jayar up.

Jayar assisting optometrists in fitting new glasses to patients.

Hari ng Negros 2009 Melrick Calijan looks at the cataracts of a patient.

Giving moral support to a little brother undergoing a circumcision.

Melrick assisting in piercing the ears of little angels.

Melrick assisting in piercing the ears of little angels.

Mark Gargoles, Crown Prince of Negros 2009 with the weighing scale

and holding a future prince who might become a Hari.

Distributing popsicles to kids.

Anyone want to try our popsicles?

Jayar entertaining the crowd while doing the Papaya Dance.

Distributing gifts from our sponsors.

Proud to be a Negrense. Forever, Hari ng Negros.